Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Coke Old Coke

Ever notice that your coke on the table has changed from a slightly more colourful logo to a simple logo? This is a comparsion of the box between the old (ironically the colourful logo) and the new (the surprising plain and colourless logo).

Top Row - Old Design
Bottom Row - New Design

So the next time you want to buy a coke from supermaket, don't think that the colourful design is the new stock, for it is actually the old one.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sore throat? No fear...

it is Chinese New year period with all those food like fried stuffs and bak kwa that you've been eating, it is easy to be 'overheated'. Getting heaty is quite common and sore throat usually follows shortly.

While heatiness can be cooled down quite easily with herbal tea (liang teh), sore throat is not that simple. A persistence sore throat makes the eating difficult, sometimes to the extent of swallowing saliva.

One solution is to have a good lozenges but a good one is not easy to find.

This brand is quite effective through.